Nana mended something almost every week. Patches and stitches to cover a tear or a worn out knee or holes in socks. She did not hide her mending, it wasn't that invisible kind, you could see it and I think she was proud to show it off too. It was part of her "waste not want not" message but I do not think she would have thought up this style of mending, don't you love it? I do which is why I could not throw this card away. Tonight it became a new page in one of my art inspiration journals. The card came from a Selvedge Magazine subscription offer and I could not just shred it for the compost heap, it's too special, well I think so!
I love Selvedge there are so many pages in each issue to remind me of both my Grandmothers but I think there is a little more of Nana there.. This piece is all about mending being so obvious it becomes a decoration and I like that. It fits well with me today. We throw too many clothes out. Mend them remake them reuse them recycle them. That is what Nana did! I don't know if she had fun doing it, not like we can now. Nana would not have done an art journal would she? I do not think she would see that as practical. My journals are not all about experimenting with my ideas, some are and some pages can be, but a lot of my journals are really a scrapbook, a collection of my thoughts at the time or as this one is a scrap I wanted to keep. I look back on them use the ideas, develop the ideas, save the ideas! I need more time I know and that is what my life is about right now spring cleaning my head, getting rid of work overload and mending patches in my life. Nana would have approved of that. If she has seen this page she would shuffle around in her trunks and find me some old Broderie Anglaise dresses and petticoats for me to try this, yes she would! I might find one or two pieces in my stash that she gave me about thirty years ago when I was trying to make my own Ralph Lauren style western skirts as I could not afford to buy them. I remember showing her a picture in the 70s of blue chambrai skirts and lace petticoats, very USA country. Off she went, found just what I needed and I made that petticoat with a border of lace from an old piece she had saved from her Mother's petticoat! Now that is an amazing remake, in fact I still have the petticoat I made perhaps it could be used again!
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